restoring sight

For Just 1 collects and distributes reading glasses to the elderly and impoverished people. Using a simple reading test, we do our best to fit the elderly (age 40 and up) with reading glasses that will improve their up close vision and especially their quality of life. This is just one way that we share the love of God, through the gift of better sight. It is not unusual to see a recipient of our reading glasses running to find their bible to read, or finding a needle to thread, after many years of not being able to do so!


supporting orphans

For Just 1 provides supplies and support to children, orphans and orphanages. We work closely with orphanages to determine needs that are not being met or areas in which we can provide assistance. These needs may include educational materials and support, clothing and equipment, food and medical supplies, and loving their children. We visit the orphanages we support regularly and with little notice which we believe is important in confirming that the students and orphans we love and support are getting each of their needs met. It is a treasured part of every Just For 1 mission to spend time with these children reminding them of God's love. Playing with them and interacting with them is the highlight of most of our trips to Kenya. We hope to enlarge our influence and "our territories" with your help.


empowering girls:

Jesus Loves Me… Just As I Am

In Kenya, the girl child is, unfortunately, often undervalued. As a girl grows into adolescence she faces many challenges. A girl who starts her menstrual cycle without access to sanitary products, is a girl who will likely drop out of school. After dropping out of school, she will quickly marry and become a teen mom as young as 13 without an education.

The girl child also faces the threat of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) - which is the practice of cutting out various parts of external genitalia from the female body. FGM is deeply rooted in tradition and culture of many countries and happens on girls under the age of 15. There are various types and methods but the end results can include bleeding to death, death by infection, difficulty in sex, difficulty or death during child birth, PTSD, sexual phobia, among many other physical and emotional complications.

While forcing a minor to undergo FGM is illegal in Kenya and many other countries, due to the culture, the girls are taught that undergoing ‘the cut’ makes them a woman and it is their ‘rite of passage’ into womanhood. So if the little girl (between 10-12 years old) agrees to "the cut", then no law has really been broken. 

After undergoing ‘the cut’ the majority of the girls drop out of school, because after all, 'they are an adult now'. Because a girl is now ‘a woman’ and a ‘cut woman’ is more desirable for marriage the girl then marries early (even 12 or 13 years old) and begins having children.

For Just One has developed the JESUS LOVES ME… JUST AS I AM program to educate girls about reproductive health, provide reusable sanitary pads and discourage FGM by reinforcing the biblical truths that each girl is “fearfully and wonderfully made” and that Jesus loves them EXACTLY AS THEY ARE. We are working to rescue individual girls from FGM, support rescue centers and schools and also work to empower women and initiate changes in the culture.   



partnering with schools

For Just 1 partners with local schools in a variety of ways:

In one rural primary school we learned that children were starving during the school day as they did not have resources to bring a lunch or eat lunch at school. For Just 1 funded a new kitchen for this school. As a result of the generosity of our donors, the feeding program now provides a nutritious lunch every day for these young learners.

Not only do we educate young girls about reproductive health, but we also educate young boys. Our curriculum not only includes information on reproductive health, but also teaches young men to respect their female peers and support them as equals in learning and leadership. Our teachings include biblical principals such as abstinence, faithful marriage and building strong fathers, mother, and families.

Lastly we partner with schools to: encourage and mentor teachers; evaluate (with the help of administrators) the facilities, operation and  curriculum; and plan for sustainable and successful schools.